Rancho Brazos has partnered with the following organizations to provide assistance in our Program Focus Areas of education, health, and financial stability.
Partnered with
- United Way - Hood County Optimist Club - Hood County Substance Abuse Counsel - Acton & Oakwoods Elementary/Middle & High Schools/GISD -
Granbury Chamber of Commerce - Paluxy River Children’s Advocacy Center - Acton Methodist Church - Ken Hill Foundation - Hood County Coalition for Healthy Children - Kiwanis of Granbury - Mission Granbury - Hood County Rotary Club - Anchor Fellowship - Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd -Stonewater - 1st United Methodist Church of Granbury - Emmanuel Lutheran Church - Solid Rock Methodist Church - The Bridge - North Central Texas Academy - Cook Children’s - City of Granbury - Clear Path Health Care - Pinnacle Bank - Service First Mortgage - Independent Financial Bank - First National Bank - Knights of Columbus - Overhall Construction - Shottenkirk Granbury Dealerships - Speerhead BEYOND - and more.
THANK YOU Shottenkirk Dealerships in Granbury
for being our “Unity is Community” Sponsor for 2024-25!
Contact Rancho Brazos Community Centers if you are interested in volunteer opportunities or would like to become a partner with our organization.